Monsters Missing MLB Stats

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Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source
Amduscias m.gif Amduscias m icon.png
11 Air C S A A 102000 2313462 0 Magical Mischief
1st-300th Rank Reward
Calet m.gif Calet m icon.png
11 Air B A A S 96000 2177376 0 Of Ice and Stone
Group Rank Reward
1st - 40th
80 units awarded
Maynx 11 m.gif Maynx 11 m icon.png
11 Ground C S S A 103000 2336143 0 Beast of Both Worlds
Group Rank Reward 1st - 30th

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source
Alfheim m.gif Alfheim m icon.png
10 Air C A A S 78000 1614678 0 Champions of Valhalla
Group Rank Reward
1st - 200th
400 units awarded
Dimia m.gif Dimia m icon.png
10 Air D A A S 80000 1656080 0 Day and Knight
Group Rank Reward
1st - 800th
Emeralde m.gif Emeralde m icon.png
10 Ground D A A A 75000 1552575 0 Crystalline Hearts
Final Rank Reward
1st - 800th
Hansel m.gif Hansel m icon.png
10 Ground C A A A 74000 1531874 0 Liars_&_Lullabies
1st-1,600th Rank Reward
Inuyama Dousetsu m.gif Inuyama Dousetsu m icon.png
10 Air B A S A 80000 1656080 0 Howl of the Pride
Group Rank Reward
1st - 200th
400 units awarded
Joachim 10 m.gif Joachim 10 m icon.png
10 Ground E S S C 100000 2070100 0 Broachim's Buff Riders
Sun Wukong m.gif Sun Wukong m icon.png
10 Ground A A S A 82500 1707832 0 Monkey See!
Final Rank Reward
1st - 800th
File:Uzkmsa.gif File:Uzkmsa icon.png
10 Ground D S A A 80000 1656080 0
Zhuque m.gif Zhuque m icon.png
10 Air B A A S 82500 1707832 0 Spirits on Board
Group Rank Reward
1st - 200th
400 units awarded

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source
Joachim 9 m.gif Joachim 9 m icon.png
9 Ground E A A D 70000 1310470 0 Broachim's Buff Riders
April Fool's 2018 Gift
Vasuka m.gif Vasuka m icon.png
9 Air C B A A 59000 1104539 0 Wyverns on High
Final Rank Reward
1st - 3,000th

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source
Elizabeth m.gif Elizabeth m icon.png
5 Ground D C C D 24500 259674 0 Soul Hunters
Rank Reward
16th - 200th
185 units awarded

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

Sprite Name Type S Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png Base HP Max HP MLB HP Source

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