Whispers from the Past

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Whispers from the Past
Whispers from the Past announcement banner.png
Start Date 2014-3-15
End Date 2014-3-21
Event Type Training Event
Event Cards Dream Packs Season 13
Japanese Wiki Resurrection of the evil souls
Preceded By The Fantasica Chronicles 6
Followed By Valley of Shangri-La
Whispers from the Past announcement.jpg
Whispers from the Past release.jpg

Event Info

Event Schedule

The Whispers from the Past event will take place during the times listed below.

Start: March 15, 2014, post-maintenance End: March 21, 2014 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

  • Event schedule may be subject to change.
  • Final Rank Rewards may be received only after the event have finished.
  • The deadline to receive your Memory Shard rewards is March 24, 2014 at 2:00 am PST/PDT.

New Units

The following units, added as part of Dream Packs Season 13, gave bonuses during Whispers from the Past:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Sere.gif Sere icon.png
7 Magic 25 D 150 112,330 94,371 111,120 Slow,

Critical Shot
Dream Packs Season 13
Standard Card Packs
Xbalanque.gif Xbalanque icon.png
7 Melee 30 C 130 129,554 112,709 80,937 Knockback,

Dream Packs Season 13
Mini Scarlet Wave Packs
Prestige Packs Volume 7
Standard Card Packs
Volkein.gif Volkein icon.png
6 Melee 25 C 150 94,305 64,740 54,455 Knockback,

Standard Card Packs
Added during Dream Packs Season 13
Ceska.gif Ceska icon.png
5 Missile 15 C 175 24,350 36,800 25,400 Slow Standard Card Packs
Added during Dream Packs Season 13
Micott.gif Micott icon.png
5 Magic 20 D 150 25,400 34,200 27,250 Poison,

Drain Attack
Standard Card Packs
Added during Dream Packs Season 13
Keiza.gif Keiza icon.png
4 Missile 20 D 150 21,977 23,995 14,256 Area Attack Standard Card Packs
Added during Dream Packs Season 13
Sici.gif Sici icon.png
4 Melee 15 B 150 24,194 21,965 14,244 Knockback,

Standard Card Packs
Added during Dream Packs Season 13

Random Training Stage Rewards in Whispers from the Past:

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Audra.gif Audra icon.png
2 Missile 10 C 150 8,974 9,107 6,271 Knockback Whispers from the Past
Random Training Stage Reward
Nellie.gif Nellie icon.png
2 Magic 10 D 150 6,271 7,300 8,613 Slow Whispers from the Past
Random Training Stage Reward
Seasa.gif Seasa icon.png
2 Melee 15 B 130 10,735 7,292 8,305 Slow Whispers from the Past
Random Training Stage Reward
Tanja.gif Tanja icon.png
2 Melee 10 B 130 10,128 6,603 8,102 Knockback Whispers from the Past
Random Training Stage Reward

Reward Units and Monsters

Rank Rewards

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Gabriel.gif Gabriel icon.png
7 Magic 30 D 150 112,709 95,412 109,677 Area Attack,

Critical Shot
Whispers from the Past
Rank Reward
1st - 70th
70 units awarded
Katia 6.gif Katia 6 icon.png
6 Missile 25 C 150 76,185 87,805 56,440 Knockback Whispers from the Past
Rank Reward
1st - 150th
150 units awarded
Ursula.gif Ursula icon.png
6 Magic 20 D 150 61,420 44,925 86,110 Area Attack,

Stone Breath
Whispers from the Past
Rank Reward
1st - 350th
350 units awarded
Zxtole.gif Zxtole icon.png
5 Melee 20 B 130 32,450 23,100 26,950 Poison,

Nerve Strike
Whispers from the Past
Rank Reward
1st - 2,000th
2,000 units awarded
Sienta.gif Sienta icon.png
4 Melee 20 C 130 0 0 0 Slow,

Iron Wall
Whispers from the Past
Rank Reward
1st - 250th
351st - 1,500th
2,001st - 10,000th
9,400 units awarded


Standard Bosses

Boss Type Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png
Ethelred m.gif Ethelred m icon.png
6 Sea icon.png C D C
Trane m.gif Trane m icon.png
5 Ground icon.png B D C
Altum m.gif Altum m icon.png
4 Sea icon.png D B B
Blad m.gif Blad m icon.png
4 Ground icon.png D C A
Amartia m.gif Amartia m icon.png
4 Air icon.png D B C

Special Bosses

Boss Type Melee icon.png Missile icon.png Magic icon.png
Neolith m.gif Neolith m icon.png
7 Air icon.png A B C
Neolith is shared with allies, staying in boss list for 3 hours.
On defeat, she gives approximately ~9,900 BT Points, ~2,000 Memory Shards, and 65,280 EXP (with 6 allies).
Black Dragon.gif Black Dragon icon.png
6 Ground icon.png B A B
Black Dragon is a rare, unshared boss, staying in boss list for 15 minutes.
Level ranges from 10 - 100.
On defeat Black Dragon gives a large amount of BT Points but no Luna, EXP, or Memory Shards.
Anne m.gif Anne m icon.png
4 Ground icon.png D C C
Anne is a rare, unshared boss, staying in boss list for 10 minutes.
Level ranges from 10 - 100.
On defeat Anne rewards you with one of many possible items including:
Random Goddess, Time Elixir(P), Potion(P), Ambrosia, Soul Stone(S)/(L), Mind Pick
King Mandragora.gif King Mandragora icon.png
4 Ground icon.png D B C
King Mandragora is a rare, unshared boss, staying in boss list for 1 hour.
Level ranges from 10 - 100.
On defeat King Mandragora rewards you with a large amount of Memory Shards.


Memory Shard icon.png Memory Shard Rewards

Memory Shards Reward
200 Mind Pick icon.png Mind Pick x 1
1,000 Potion p icon.png Potion(P) x 2
2,000 Crystal Orb icon.png Crystal Orb x 1
4,000 Danu icon.png Danu x 1
6,000 Title icon.png Deja Vu
8,000 Tartu icon.png Tartu x 1
10,000 Dream13 S Ticket icon.png Dream13(S) Ticket x 2
12,000 Title icon.png Lingering Memory
15,000 Anu icon.png Anu x 1
25,000 Dream13 S Ticket icon.png Dream13(S) Ticket x 3

Memory Shard icon.png Memory Shard Rewards

Memory Shards Secret Rewards
35,000 Mind Pick icon.png Mind Pick x 2
50,000 Crystal Orb icon.png Crystal Orb x 2
65,000 Title icon.png Reborn
80,000 M Ticket icon.png M Ticket x 5
100,000 Dream13 L Ticket icon.png Dream13(L) Ticket x 1
125,000 Mind Pick icon.png Mind Pick x 3
150,000 M Ticket icon.png M Ticket x 10
170,000 Crystal Orb icon.png Crystal Orb x 5
210,000 M Ticket icon.png M Ticket x 10
260,000 M Ticket icon.png M Ticket x 1000

Minotaur boss.png Training Stage Rewards

Boss Reward
The True Shrine
Minotaur icon.png Mind Pick icon.png Mind Pick x 2
Empty Classrooms
Minotaur icon.png Crystal Orb icon.png Crystal Orb x 2
The Abandoned Sea
Minotaur icon.png Anu icon.png Anu x 1
Ruined in Battle
Minotaur icon.png Danu icon.png Danu x 1
Wrath and Redemption
Minotaur icon.png Tartu icon.png Tartu x 1
Broken Clockwork
Minotaur icon.png Mind Pick icon.png Mind Pick x 3
The Red Moon Waxes
Minotaur icon.png Crystal Orb icon.png Crystal Orb x 3
The Black Dragon!
Minotaur icon.png Ambrosia icon.png Ambrosia x 3
Once and Future King
Minotaur icon.png Blank icon.png TBD
10-?? Minotaur icon.png Blank icon.png TBD

- Training Episodes end at ??; no further episode/stages beyond this point.

Rank Rewards

Rank Gabriel icon.png
Katia 6 icon.png
Ursula icon.png
Zxtole icon.png
Sienta icon.png
Soul stone l icon.png
Title icon.png
Potion p icon.png
1st 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 10 In The Flesh
Brink of Madness
Dark Thoughts
Seed of Evil
2nd - 5th 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 7 Brink of Madness
Dark Thoughts
Seed of Evil
6th - 10th 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 5 Brink of Madness
Dark Thoughts
Seed of Evil
11th - 30th 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 3 Dark Thoughts
Seed of Evil
31th - 50th 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) Dark Thoughts
Seed of Evil
51th - 70th 7★ Gabriel 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Seed of Evil
71st - 150th 6★ Katia 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 5 Seed of Evil
151st - 250th 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 3 Seed of Evil
251st - 350th 6★ Ursula 5★ Zxtole Soul Stone(L)
351st - 700th 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta Soul Stone(L) x 3
701st - 1,500th 5★ Zxtole 4★ Sienta
1,501st - 2,000th 5★ Zxtole
2,001st - 5,000th 4★ Sienta Potion(P) x 3
5,001st - 10,000th 4★ Sienta
10,001st - 20,000th 4★ Sienta Potion(P)
No Rewards Past 20,001st.
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