One Shot Packs 10

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One Shot Packs 10
One Shot Packs 10 banner.png
Start Date 2015-07-30
End Date 2015-07-31
Related Event Skies of the Valkyries
9★ 3
One Shot Packs 10 release.jpg

Purchasing a One Shot Pack for 10,000 Mobacoins / Fanta Points granted you one guaranteed 9★ unit.

All units in One Shot Packs 10 were reprints, and did not give bonuses in any events.

Unit Type C S R Ground icon.png Air icon.png Sea icon.png Skill Source
Reprinted Units
Demiurge.gif Demiurge icon.png
9 Missile 30 D 175 236,118 189,846 232,494 Area Attack,

Critical Shot
Three Step Packs 10
One Shot Packs 10
Challenger Packs 40
One Shot Packs 42
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 5
Prince.gif Prince icon.png
9 Melee 30 B 130 250,012 180,598 226,874 Slow,

Atk Boost (Female),

Penta Attack
Shooting Star Packs
One Shot Packs 10
Challenger Packs 44
Unlimited Challenger Packs 20
Mini Twilight Packs
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 5
Standard Card Packs
Ouroboros.gif Ouroboros icon.png
9 Magic 30 D 130 234,274 231,494 208,371 Poison,

Bloom Packs
One Shot Packs 10
Mini Nobunaga Packs
One Shot Packs 68
OP Unit Exchange
OP Unit Exchange 5

Demiurge card.jpg Prince card.jpg Ouroboros card.jpg

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