Category:Fast Casting

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Magic units usually throw spells slower than missile units, but units on this list have faster casting speed.

In quests and battles, their magic balls are as fast as most missile units.

In Colosseum Event, Battle Arena, Guild Battle, and ticket battles of Gifting Event, the action order is determined by this formula:

  • Melee = Attack Delay
  • Missile = Attack Delay + 0.3 (except Alexander + 0.5, Alias +0.2, and there may be some more exceptions as well)
  • Magic = Attack Delay + 0.5
  • Magic with Fast Casting = Attack Delay + 0.4 (except Ibiza + 0.3, and there may be some more exceptions as well)

The addition of above numbers also suggests the Speed Class shown on the Card Information:

  • S = 0.2 or lower
  • A = 0.25~0.3
  • B = 0.35~0.5
  • C = 0.55~0.8
  • D = 0.85~1.2
  • E = 1.2 or higher

Also, Player Skill Speed Demon Lv 10 can reduce 20% Attack Delay, but it doesn't affect the throwing time part of Missile/Magic units.
e.g. Skuld's Speed Class is 0.5 + 0.4 = 0.9 = D class, and if she is put on as leader, her Attack Delay will be 0.5*80%= 0.4, + Fast Casting 0.4 = 0.8 = C class.

Pages in category "Fast Casting"

The following 33 pages are in this category, out of 33 total.

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