User talk:Bryanjh92

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Revision as of 19:22, 16 November 2015 by Kattiara (Talk | contribs)

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No Worries!

No harm done. :)

It's my busy season at work, so updates will probably be a little slower for the next few months. Images probably will go up at night instead of the morning, etc. But not to worry, creating a page for a unit that's not in the db yet doesn't do anything bad.. it just looks weird, lol. ;)

Units should be all created now, so you shouldn't see it again for this event, at least.. and thank you for the help! :) -Kattiara (talk)


You're very welcome! And any stats you're able to add, mlb or not, are greatly appreciated! A lot of the time, lower rarity units don't get as much attention, so being able to fill some in would be wonderful. =D -Kattiara (talk)

Refreshing Pages

Yay! Happy that helped, and thank you for updating Materia and Bonus Pot's stats! :) I added a page for Bonus Pot as well, thanks for catching that.

For general reference, in terms of getting a page to refresh (an event or packs page, etc, once units have been updated), what you can do is just go to the page, and add "?action=purge" to the end of the URL and hit enter. So for example, for Simply Elementary:

Normal URL is:

Put into address bar and hit enter:

Doing that will pull any updates through to the page. Hope that helps! :) -Kattiara (talk)

Editing Stats

Hi Bryan! First, thanks for noting down Goldie's stats - I've updated her, so it should show properly on the event page. Thank you! :)

To edit stats for a monster like Goldie, you would use the following link:

For the regular unit (non-monster) version, it would be:

In general, just switch out the name at the end of the link as needed for other units. Hope that made sense - let me know if you have any other questions, and thanks again! -Kattiara (talk)

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