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! [[{{{Card_Art|Margarethe}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Thalion}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Glaciere}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Kiera}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Nocha}}}]]
! [[{{{Card_Art|Margarethe}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Thalion}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Kiera}}}]] !! [[{{{Card_Art|Nocha}}}]]
| [[Image:Margarethe_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Margarethe_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Thalion_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Thalion_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Glaciere_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Kiera_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Kiera_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Nocha_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer
| [[Image:Nocha_card.jpg|200px]]<br> Price Offer

Revision as of 08:17, 28 March 2018

Blank album 8.png
Blank album 3.png

!Updated. Sold many cards. All cards for sale. Take pure or trade.^^

Adele Viola Dorothy Agnes Nukteris
Adele card.jpg
Price Offer
Viola card.jpg
Price Offer
Dorothy card.jpg
Price Offer
Agnes card.jpg
Price Offer
Nukteris card.jpg
Price Offer

Pale Ixtab Quattro
Pale card.jpg
Price Offer
Ixtab card.jpg
Price Offer
Quattro card.jpg
Price Offer

Mitra Quetzalcoatl Stella Kagura Salix
Mitra card.jpg
Price Offer
Quetzalcoatl card.jpg
Price Offer
Stella card.jpg
Price Offer
Kagura 6 card.jpg
Price Offer
Salix card.jpg
Price Offer

[[]] Minnie&Maxie Joffra Lavinia
Minnie & Maxie card.jpg
Price Offer
Joffra card.jpg
Price Offer
Lavinia 7 card.jpg
Price Offer

Acht Hurley Tempesta
Acht 8 card.jpg
Price Offer
Hurley card.jpg
Price Offer
Tempesta card.jpg
Price Offer
Margarethe Thalion Kiera Nocha
Margarethe card.jpg
Price Offer
Thalion card.jpg
Price Offer
Kiera card.jpg
Price Offer
Nocha card.jpg
Price Offer
Lei Besaid Elarinya Rakel Pythia
Lei card.jpg
Price Offer
Besaid card.jpg
Price Offer
Elarinya card.jpg
Price Offer
Rakel card.jpg
Price Offer
Pythia card.jpg
Price Offer
Sadie & Sutra Gabriele Marilyn
Sadie & Sutra card.jpg
Price Offer
Gabriele card.jpg
Price Offer
Marilyn card.jpg
Price Offer

Sharanga Argentsia Julienne Sirea Tai Gongwang
Sharanga card.jpg
Price Offer
Argentsia card.jpg
Price Offer
Julienne card.jpg
Price Offer
Sirea card.jpg
Price Offer
Tai Gongwang card.jpg
Price Offer
Blitzen Ayana Gaap
Blitzen card.jpg
Price Offer
Ayana card.jpg
Price Offer
Gaap 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Pyrene Liseria Eilvana Fenex
Pyrene card.jpg
Price Offer
Liseria card.jpg
Price Offer
Eilvana card.jpg
Price Offer
Fenex card.jpg
Price Offer
Xena Melody Qhensa AfeetM Syndra
Xena card.jpg
Price Offer
Melody card.jpg
Price Offer
Qhensa card.jpg
Price Offer
Afreet card.jpg
Price Offer
Syndra card.jpg
Price Offer
Ovelia Callie Arioch Morgiana Jackeline
Ovelia card.jpg
Price Offer
Callie card.jpg
Price Offer
Arioch card.jpg
Price Offer
Morgiana 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Jackeline card.jpg
Price Offer
Iona Erise Arcana Tiseur
Iona card.jpg
Price Offer
Erise 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Arcana 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Tiseur card.jpg
Price Offer
Estiu Iguano Moa Roa Yormunga
Estiu card.jpg
Price Offer
Iguano card.jpg
Price Offer
Moa card.jpg
Price Offer
Roa card.jpg
Price Offer
Yormunga card.jpg
Price Offer
Atlantia Crystalis Fenella Gorgon
Atlantia card.jpg
Price Offer
Crystalis card.jpg
Price Offer
Fennella card.jpg
Price Offer
Gorgon 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Sunne Solomon Seb Nereida Secc
Sunne card.jpg
Price Offer
Solomon card.jpg
Price Offer
Seb card.jpg
Price Offer
Nereida card.jpg
Price Offer
Secc card.jpg
Price Offer
Celestine Barbatos Oceanus Sorath Juno
Celestine 9 card.jpg
Price Offer
Barbatos card.jpg
Price Offer
Oceanus card.jpg
Price Offer
Sorath card.jpg
Price Offer
Juno card.jpg
Price Offer
Ceros Lilacina Ramilde Vague Kuro
Ceros card.jpg
Price Offer
Lilacina card.jpg
Price Offer
Ramilde card.jpg
Price Offer
Vague card.jpg
Price Offer
Kuro card.jpg
Price Offer

[[]] [[]] Hera_10 Shen Gongbao
Hera 10 mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Shen Gongbao mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Ceto Bilgamesh Solaris Mizette Tyranny
Ceto mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Bilgamesh 11 card.jpg
Price Offer
Solaris mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Mizette mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Tyranny mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Bellamy Aileen Bangle Crear
Bellamy mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Aileen mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Bangle mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Crear mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Wanta & Phanta Koken Gladina
Wanta & Phanta mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Koken mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Gladina 10 mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Anath Two Ushas
Anath mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Two mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Ushas mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Rowena Sistina Holle Minphesta Samari
Rowena mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Sistina mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Holle mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Minphesta mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Samari mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Madonna Peggy Lane Tir Filamina Devesa
Madonna mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Peggy Lane mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Tir mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Filamina mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Devesa mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Blanchette mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Sirocco mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Kaguya 10 mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Akee mlb card.jpg
Price Offer
Taylor mlb card.jpg
Price Offer

  • 7★ units
  • 8★ units
Da Ji card.jpgCosmos 8 card.jpgAquarius card.jpgHathor card.jpgNumero card.jpgAurora card.jpgThe Empress card.jpgSacre card.jpg

  • 4★ units
  • 5★ units
  • 6★ units
  • 7★ units
  • 8★ units
Carmen card.jpg Imperia card.jpg Adria card.jpg Alice 8 card.jpg Trip card.jpg Bullet 8 card.jpg Acacia card.jpg Yerin card.jpg Felice card.jpg Tiamat card.jpg Silvana card.jpg Krang card.jpg Unus Mundus card.jpg Summer card.jpg Gabrielle card.jpg Ange card.jpg Arcelia card.jpg Tsekouri card.jpg
  • 10★ units

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