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Revision as of 01:06, 4 November 2017 by Smileychanny (Talk | contribs)

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I have a page, cool! I don't think anyone will see this. Just going to stick my male collection here, cause I want to keep track of them and cause I can...yeah.

Males Collected!

Karras mlb card.jpg

VKoth mlb card.jpg Hampton mlb card.jpg Evariste mlb card.jpg Balmung mlb card.jpg Duquesne mlb card.jpg Kenzoku mlb card.jpg

Nachtus card.jpg Laurent card.jpg Lancelot card.jpg Locke card.jpg Kyougoku card.jpg Boris card.jpg Prince Charming card.jpg Etaine card.jpg Schazzenan card.jpg Vikare card.jpg Sannosuke card.jpg Bishamonten card.jpg Ceart card.jpg Daigoro card.jpg Dimitar card.jpg Draconus card.jpg Dunamis 7 card.jpg Gawain card.jpg Gemini card.jpg Grannus card.jpg Hanzo card.jpg Hideo card.jpg Ikol card.jpg Iwein card.jpg Kain card.jpg Malvin card.jpg Nodense card.jpg Onyxius card.jpg Percival card.jpg Reynald card.jpg Romulus card.jpg Stihl card.jpg Tristan card.jpg Xbalanque card.jpg Xeros card.jpg Zepar card.jpg

Arlo card.jpg Bedivere card.jpg Charles card.jpg Convel card.jpg Dravena card.jpg Dresden card.jpg Edward card.jpg Gareth card.jpg Gust card.jpg Kithros card.jpg Manfred card.jpg Mathieu card.jpg Micaelis card.jpg Ormond card.jpg Riker card.jpg Ronaldo card.jpg Sagittaire card.jpg Smith card.jpg Sorgin card.jpg Washi card.jpg Zoe card.jpg

Ah Rong card.jpg Arash card.jpg Azoth card.jpg Echerd card.jpg Fender card.jpg Glen card.jpg Heiliges card.jpg Jager card.jpg Joachim card.jpg Sim card.jpg Veloz card.jpg Vice card.jpg

Branor m card.jpg Duberdicus m card.jpg Rocky m card.jpg Goyle m card.jpg Helmeo m card.jpg Ox m card.jpg Talus m card.jpg Kyle m card.jpg Vampire card.jpg Fennel m card.jpg Pluto m card.jpg

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